Damp Basement? Try These Ways to Keep It Dry!

A damp basement can be annoying at the least and a health hazard or bigger problem at its worst.

While a little bit of humidity in the air inside your home is normal and even good to a point, dampness that causes wet basement symptoms means there is some kind of problem present.

Minor, occasional dampness can usually be remedied or prevented; however, something more significant should be diagnosed by a foundation professional so that the appropriate wet basement repairs can be made.

Simple Basement Repairs to Consider

If the issue is simply dampness or heaviness in the air but you don’t have any water or leaks, there are a few simple basement repairs you can make on your own:

  • Dehumidifier - If the dampness is minor or only happens occasionally, a dehumidifier can help. These devices draw in damp air in whatever space they are set, removing the moisture then blowing dry air back out.
  • Finished Floors - A basement or crawl space with unfinished dirt floors is more susceptible to dampness issues than one with a sealed, finished floor. Adding a cement floor can control the dampness of a wet basement by sealing off that space.
  • Polyethylene Sheeting - When putting in a finished floor in an unfinished basement or crawlspace is not an option, covering the floor with sheets of polyethylene of 6 ml or thicker can help. Cover the floor, overlap sections by 6” or so, let the overlap go up the wall, and position in place with bricks around the room perimeter.
  • Sealant - Painting basement floors and walls with a coating of waterproofing sealant paint is another inexpensive way to prevent a damp or wet basement. Easily applied, these coatings create an impermeable seal for foundations and walls to keep moisture out.
  • Gutters - Keeping the gutters around your house clean and functioning is another important way to prevent basement dampness. Preventing the possibility of water pooling around the foundation of the house can help when the issue happens only during the rainy season.

The above ideas can help reduce or prevent dampness in your basement or crawlspace when the problem is due to porousness in the concrete or a few small cracks or imperfections in the foundation.

Worse Problems Need Foundation Experts

When there is actual water seen on the walls or floors, however, this type of damp basement repair may not be enough.

In instances where drips and pooling water is noticed, it is important to have a foundation expert diagnose the cause of the wetness.

Bigger cracks, structural concerns, and drainage problems can be detected and the correct wet basement repairs can be made.