Home Foundation Types and Their Associated Problems!

Every house has a foundation, the main supporting structure that the rest of the house is built on; however, not every house foundation is the same as there are multiple foundation types.

Which ones get used when?

It depends largely on the ground the house is built on and which type will require fewer foundation repairs encountered in different types of soil.

Of the four foundation types used for residential buildings, reducing the need to employ foundation repair solutions starts with choosing the most suitable foundation based on the soil and lot characteristics.

  1. Concrete Slabs - Concrete slab foundations are the simplest of all foundations, made simply out of a thick slab of poured concrete that is reinforced in various ways. Suitable on level, well-packed lots, they are an affordable option for lower-cost housing, but settling or ground shifting could become a problem. Minor cracks in slab foundations are not a big issue, but slabs may require extensive foundation repair methods if they shift significantly, either sinking unevenly into the ground or rising up on one side.
  2. Raised Piles - Piles or piers make a suitable foundation when it is important to keep the lower level of the home off the ground due to wet soils and drainage issues. Properly reinforced and installed down to the level of load-bearing soil, piles are stable. Yet if the soil they are installed on shifts or becomes unstable, the piles can move, sink, rise, crack, or be affected in other ways.
  3. Crawlspace - Popular foundations used in various locations, crawlspaces are useful as they provide access to the underside of the house. Crawlspaces can experience shifting and cracking problems and water issues that require foundation repairs to both stabilize the crawlspace and deal with the water problem.
  4. Basement - Basements are the foundations that are the most desirable for the added living and storage space they provide, but also the most prone to cracks, water damage, and problems due to soil expansion, soil shrinkage, and drainage problems. There are many foundation repair methods that can be used depending on the severity of the problem, from waterproof coating to structural support of bowed walls to sump pumps, and more.

When deciding on a home foundation, it is essential to consider the type of soil the house will be built on to choose the right one.

Different foundations are more prone to specific issues and can require more extensive foundation repair solutions, all depending on the soil type and how it affects these different types of structures.

Those building a new home can reduce the need for foundation repairs by ensuring their contractor puts in the right foundation type for the location and the soil.